
Analyzing Social Networks

Analyzing Social Networks

Stephen P Borgatti, Martin G. Everett, Jeffrey C. Johnson
ISBN-13: 978-1446247419 ISBN-10: 1446247414 Edition: 1st
May, 2013

Publisher site

10. Centrality

Analysis of Biological Networks

Analysis of Biological Networks

Björn H Junker, Falk Schreiber
ISBN: 978-1-118-20991-2
September 2011

Publisher site

4 Network Centralities 65
Dirk Koschutzki

4.1 Introduction 65
4.2 Centrality Definition and Fundamental Properties 67
4.3 Degree and Shortest Path-Based Centralities 69
4.4 Feedback-Based Centralities 77
4.5 Tools 80
4.6 Summary 80
4.7 Exercises 81

Network Analysis: Methodological Foundations

Network Analysis: Methodological Foundations

Brandes, Ulrik, Erlebach, Thomas (Eds.)

Publisher site

Book chapter
3 Centrality Indices
D. Koschutzki, K. ALehmann, L. Peeters, S. Richter, D. Tenfelde Podehl and O. Zlotowski
3.1 Introductory Examples 17
3.2 A Loose Definition19
3.3 Distances and Neighborhoods 19
3.4 Shortest Paths 28
3.5 Derived Edge Centralities 34
3.6 Vitality 36
3.7 Current Flow 40
3.8 Random Processes 43
3.9 Feedback 46
3.10 Dealing with Insufficient Connectivity 56
3.11 Graph- vsVertex-Level Indices 59
3.12 Chapter Notes

Protein Interaction Networks Computational Analysis

Protein Interaction Networks Computational Analysis

Aidong Zhang
April 2009
isbn: 9780521888950

Publisher site

Book chapter
4.4 Basic Centralities 35
4.4.1 Degree Centrality 35
4.4.2 Distance-Based Centralities 35
4.4.3 Current-Flow-Based Centrality 37
4.4.4 Random-Walk-Based Centrality 40
4.4.5 Feedback-Based Centrality 41

Social Network Analysis Methods and Applications

Social Network Analysis Methods and Applications

Stanley Wasserman, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Katherine Faust, University of South Carolina
November 1994
isbn: 9780521387071

Publisher site

Book chapter
5. Centrality, prestige, and related actor and group measures