Alphabetically/Chronologically sorted list

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  1. ABRA - Approximating Betweenness Centrality (2018)
  2. Absorbing Random-walk Centrality (2016)
  3. AC-based Power Flow (2017)
  4. ACC - All Cycle Betweenness Centrality (2018)
  5. Adjusted Betweenness Centrality (2012)
  6. Agglomeration Centrality (2019)
  7. Aggregating Centrality Rankings (2020)
  8. Algebraic Centrality (2010)
  9. All-subgraphs Centrality (2020)
  10. Alpha Centrality (2001)
  11. Alpha Current-Flow Betweenness Centrality (2013)
  12. APA - Adapted PageRank Algorithm (2012)
  13. APA Based - Adapted PageRank Algorithm Based (2016)
  14. APABI - Adapted PageRank Algorithm Biplex Centerality (2019)
  15. Application-based Centrality (2017)
  16. AS hegemony (2017)
  17. ATC - Annotation Transcriptional Centrality (2010)
  18. ATria (2017)
  19. Attachment Centrality (2016)
  20. Average Distance (2009)
  21. Bargaining Centrality (1987)
  22. Barycenter Centrality (2009)
  23. Bayesian Centrality (2014)
  24. BDRC - Biharmonic Distance Related Centrality (2018)
  25. Beta Current-Flow Betweenness Centrality (2015)
  26. Betweenness Centrality (1977)
  27. Bi-directional h-index (2018)
  28. Bipartivity (2005)
  29. BiRank (2017)
  30. Bonacich Power Centrality (1987)
  31. Bonacich Shapley Centrality (2021)
  32. BORW Centrality - Based on Random Walks Centrality (2019)
  33. BottleNeck (2004)
  34. Bounded-Distance Betweenness Centrality (2006)
  35. Bow-Tie Centrality (2019)
  36. Bridgeness (2008)
  37. Bridgeness Centrality (2016)
  38. BridgeRank (2018)
  39. Bridging Centrality (2008)
  40. Bundle Index (2020)
  41. Burt's constraint (2004)
  42. CBC - Cross-Layer Betweenness Centrality (2016)
  43. CCIS (2013)
  44. CEC - Conductance Eigenvector Centrality (2016)
  45. CENC - Complex Edge and Node Clustering Coefficient (2020)
  46. Centrality-guided Deep Random Walk (2021)
  47. Centroid Value (2009)
  48. Cext-N - Extensity Centrality-Newman (2014)
  49. CFC - Critical Flow Centrality (2019)
  50. CHM - H-Index Mixing Centrality (2019)
  51. Circuit Centrality (2016)
  52. Closeness Centrality (1950)
  53. Closeness Centrality Group Identification (2016)
  54. Closeness Vitality (2005)
  55. Clustering-Embedded Eigenvector Centrality (2020)
  56. ClusterRank (2013)
  57. CNCA - Combined Network Centrality Approach (2021)
  58. CNCC - Change Number of Connected Components (2013)
  59. CNMCC - Change Number of Maximum Connected Components (2013)
  60. CNR - Cumulative Neighboring Relationship (2018)
  61. Co-Betweenness Centrality (2009)
  62. Co-HITS (2009)
  63. Cocktail Centrality (2021)
  64. CoEWC - Co-Expression Weighted by Clustering Coefficient (2013)
  65. Combined Gravity Centrality (2020)
  66. Combining of Existing Centrality Measures (2017)
  67. Combining Two-Layers PageRank and APA Centrality (2018)
  68. Combining with Tunable Parameters (2008)
  69. Communicability Betweenness Centrality (2009)
  70. Community Centrality (2006)
  71. Complete Neighbourhood Centrality (2020)
  72. Composite Centrality (2014)
  73. Connectability to Nodes Within Two Degrees of Separation (2018)
  74. Connectionist Centrality (2013)
  75. Consensus-induced Centrality (2018)
  76. Content Centrality (2016)
  77. Continuous-time Quantum Walks Centrality (2017)
  78. Control Centrality (2012)
  79. Convex Combinations of Centrality (2020)
  80. Copeland in-degree Index (2020)
  81. Coreness Centrality (2014)
  82. Covertness Centrality (2012)
  83. CQC - Classifying Quality Centrality (2018)
  84. Cross-Clique Connectivity (2013)
  85. Cross-Face Centrality (2020)
  86. CS_TOTR (2018)
  87. Current-Flow Betweenness Centrality (2005)
  88. Current-Flow Closeness Centrality (2005)
  89. CVP - Eigenvector Centrality for Networks with Data (2019)
  90. CVP2f - Eigenvector Centrality based on the Two-layer Approach PageRank (2019)
  91. CVPBI - Eigenvector Centrality for Multiplex Networks (2019)
  92. Cycle-Centrality (2018)
  93. Dangalchev Closeness Centrality (2006)
  94. DC - Diffusion Centrality (2016)
  95. DCALP - Degree, Clustering coefficient, Average neighbor degree, Like, Post (2018)
  96. Decay Centrality (2008)
  97. Degree Centrality (1741)
  98. Degree Centrality Negative Ties (2017)
  99. Degree Deviation Centrality (2017)
  100. Degree Mass Centrality (2015)
  101. Degree Sphere Centrality (2009)
  102. Degree-like Centrality (2020)
  103. DelayFlow Centrality (2013)
  104. Density Centrality (2018)
  105. DFB - Disease Fractional Betweenness (2019)
  106. DFC - Disease Flow Centrality (2011)
  107. Differentially-Private Two-Party Egocentric Betweenness Centrality (2019)
  108. DiffSLC Centrality (2017)
  109. Diffusion Degree (2011)
  110. Distance Entropy (2018)
  111. Distinctiveness Centrality (2020)
  112. Distributed Current-Flow Betweenness Centrality (2015)
  113. Diverse Centrality (2021)
  114. DMNC - Density of Maximum Neighborhood Component (2008)
  115. dpc (2020)
  116. DS - Dynamic-Sensitive Centrality (2016)
  117. DSS - Double Screening Scheme (2008)
  118. Dynamical Centrality (2017)
  119. E-I Centrality (2012)
  120. E-User Index - Effective User Index (2015)
  121. EABC - Exponentially-Attenuated-Betweenness Centrality (2019)
  122. Eccentricity Centrality (1995)
  123. ECMSim (2019)
  124. EDBC - Effective Distance-Based Centrality (2021)
  125. EDCC - Effective Distance Closeness Centrality (2015)
  126. Edge Betweenness Centrality (2004)
  127. Edge Disjoint K-path Centrality (2006)
  128. Edge Weighted (2014)
  129. Effective Resistance Centrality (2020)
  130. Effectiveness (?)
  131. Efficiency Centrality (2017)
  132. Efficiency Centrality (2020)
  133. EGC (2014)
  134. Ego Betweenness Centrality (2005)
  135. Ego-betweenness Centrality (2017)
  136. EHC - Extended H-index Centrality (2019)
  137. Eigenedge (2019)
  138. Eigentrust (2003)
  139. Eigenvector Centrality (1972)
  140. Embedding Centrality (2018)
  141. EMH - Extended Mixing H-index Centrality (2020)
  142. Energy-Based Centrality (2013)
  143. Entropy Centrality (2008)
  144. Entropy-Based Centrality (2018)
  145. Entropy-Based Centrality (2020)
  146. EPC - Edge Percolated Component (2008)
  147. Epidemic Centrality (2013)
  148. EpistasisKatz (2019)
  149. EpistasisRank (2019)
  150. ETC - Evidence Theory Centrality (2020)
  151. EWD - Extended Weighted Degree Centrality (2018)
  152. Expected Force (2015)
  153. Flow Betweenness Centrality (1991)
  154. Flux Centrality (1993)
  155. Fragmentation Centrality (2006)
  156. Fuzzy Centrality (2017)
  157. Fuzzy Closeness Centrality (2014)
  158. Game Centrality (2013)
  159. Game Theoretic Centrality (2020)
  160. GCC - Generalized Closeness Index (2018)
  161. Geo-referenced Eigenvector Centrality (2019)
  162. Geodesic K-Path Centrality (2006)
  163. GFT - Graph Fourier Transform Centrality (2017)
  164. Gil Schmidt Power Centrality Index (2009)
  165. Gramian-based Edge Centrality (2019)
  166. Graphlet Degree Centrality (2011)
  167. Gravity Centrality Index (2016)
  168. Ground-current Centrality (2020)
  169. Group Betweenness Centrality (1999)
  170. Group Centrality (2019)
  171. Group-based Centrality (2021)
  172. h-Centrality (2011)
  173. h-Degree Centrality (2011)
  174. H-group Closeness Centrality (2017)
  175. H-index Group Centrality (2020)
  176. h-index strength (2019)
  177. HABC - Harmonically-Attenuated-Betweenness Centrality (2019)
  178. Harary Graph Centrality (1995)
  179. Harmonic Centrality (2000)
  180. HBC - Hyperbolic Betweenness Centrality (2017)
  181. HCBC - Hard Cross Betweenness Centrality (2019)
  182. Heatmap Centrality (2020)
  183. HellRank (2017)
  184. HHKS - Hybrid Hierarchical K-shell (2019)
  185. HITS - Hypertext Induced Topic Selection (1999)
  186. HITS Based Page Rank (2017)
  187. Holevo Quantity - Edge Centrality (2016)
  188. Holevo Quantity - Vertex Centrality (2017)
  189. HTLC - Hyperbolic Traffic Load Centrality (2016)
  190. Hubbell Index (1965)
  191. Hybrid Degree Centrality (2017)
  192. IBC - Inner Betweenness Centrality (2019)
  193. IDEC - Infection Diffusion Eigenvector Centrality (2014)
  194. IHS - Integrated Hubness Score (2020)
  195. Incremental Laplacian Centrality (2018)
  196. Information Centrality (1989)
  197. Ing Process - Iterative Neighbourinformation Gathering Process (2017)
  198. Integral k-Shell (2019)
  199. Integration Centrality (?)
  200. ISoECC - Improved Sum of Edge Clustering Coefficient (2013)
  201. IVI - Integrated Value of Influence (2020)
  202. K-Betweenness Centrality (2006)
  203. K-Core Decomposition (1983)
  204. k-hop Centrality (2014)
  205. K-Path Centrality (2011)
  206. K-Path Edge Centrality (2012)
  207. K-step Betweenness Centrality (2020)
  208. K-step Group Betweenness Centrality (2020)
  209. Katz Centrality (Katz Status Index) (1953)
  210. KatzR Centrality (2009)
  211. Kirchhoff Centrality (2016)
  212. Kleinberg's Centrality (1998)
  213. Knotty Centrality (2012)
  214. KSC - K-Shell and Community Centrality (2014)
  215. LA - Local Assortativity (2008)
  216. LAC - Local Average Connectivity-Based Method (2011)
  217. Laplacian Centrality (2012)
  218. LCCDC - Local Clustering Coefficient-based Degree Centrality (2017)
  219. LCH - Local Clustering H-index Centrality (2021)
  220. Ld-PageRank (2018)
  221. LeaderRank (2011)
  222. LEC - Laplacian Eigenvector Centrality (2017)
  223. LEC - Local Edge Centrality (2019)
  224. Leverage Centrality (2010)
  225. LID - Local Interaction Density (2015)
  226. Lin Centrality (1976)
  227. Line Electrical Centrality (2019)
  228. Load Centrality (2001)
  229. Lobby Index (Centrality) (2009)
  230. Local Bridging Centrality (2016)
  231. Local Clustering Coefficient (1998)
  232. LRIC - Long-Range Interactions Centrality (2016)
  233. LSS - Neighborhood Similarity Indicator (2017)
  234. LTC - Local Triangle Centrality (2016)
  235. LTR - Linear Threshold Rank (2018)
  236. LTSC - Local Triangle Structure Centrality (2019)
  237. LWC - Local Weighted Centrality (2020)
  238. M-Centrality (2018)
  239. m-Ranking (2019)
  240. Markov Centrality (2003)
  241. Maximum Influence Degree (2014)
  242. MCC - Maximal Clique Centrality (2009)
  243. MCC - Multiplex Closeness Centrality (2019)
  244. ME - Mapping Entropy Centrality (2016)
  245. Mediation Centrality (2019)
  246. Meta-Centrality (2016)
  247. Mint Centrality (2019)
  248. Mixed Gravity Centrality (2018)
  249. MNC - Maximum Neighborhood Component (2008)
  250. Mobility Centrality (2015)
  251. Modified Betweenness Centrality (2015)
  252. Modified Efficiency Centrality (2019)
  253. Modified Myerson Value Centrality (2021)
  254. Modularity Centrality (2008)
  255. Modularity Density Centrality (2010)
  256. Modularity-Impact Centrality (2020)
  257. Motif-Based Centrality (2007)
  258. Multi-Centrality Index (2019)
  259. Multi-parametric Centrality (2018)
  260. Naive Patent Degree (2019)
  261. NBNC - Neighborhood-based Bridge Node Centrality (2021)
  262. NC - Network Centrality (2012)
  263. NC - Normalized α-Centrality (2011)
  264. NCC - Neighborhood Closeness Centrality (2020)
  265. NCCO - Neighborhood Closeness Centrality Orthology (2020)
  266. NCVoteRank - Neighborhood Coreness VoteRank (2020)
  267. NE - Net Effect (2020)
  268. Negative and Positive Effects of Clustering Coefficient (2018)
  269. Neighbor Based Centrality (2013)
  270. Neighborhood Connectivity (2002)
  271. Neighborhood Correlation Coefficient (2020)
  272. Neighborhood Entropy Centrality (2021)
  273. Network Motif Centrality (2014)
  274. NFC - Neighborhood Functional Centrality (2007)
  275. Node Conductance (2020)
  276. Node-Weighted Centrality (2021)
  277. Nonbacktracking Centrality (2014)
  278. Nonbacktracking Walk Centrality (2018)
  279. NSBCC - Network Structurally Based Closeness Centrality (2020)
  280. NWRank - Normalized Wide Network Ranking Algorithm (2015)
  281. Opinion Centrality (2017)
  282. Overlapping Modular Centrality (2019)
  283. P-CBC - Popularity-Weighted Content-Based Centrality (2018)
  284. p-means Centrality (2019)
  285. PaCC - Partition-aware Closeness Centrality (2019)
  286. PaGC - Partition-aware Geometric Centrality (2019)
  287. PageRank (1998)
  288. PaHC - Partition-aware Harmonic Centrality (2019)
  289. Pairwise Disconnectivity Index (2008)
  290. PANI - Putative TArget Nodes PrIoritization (2011)
  291. PBC - Participation-based Betweenness Centrality (2020)
  292. PCen Centrality (2016)
  293. PeC Centrality (2012)
  294. Percolation Centrality (2013)
  295. Personalized Katz (2017)
  296. Personalized PageRank (2017)
  297. Perturbation Centrality (2013)
  298. Physarum Centrality (2019)
  299. PII - Political Independence Index (2014)
  300. Pivotal Index (2020)
  301. PN Centrality (2014)
  302. POC - Path Operator Calculus (2019)
  303. Potential Gain (2019)
  304. Preferential Centrality (2019)
  305. Principal Component Centrality (2010)
  306. PrKatz - Propagation Probability Katz Centrality (2018)
  307. Quantum Centrality (2017)
  308. Quantum Hub and Authority Centrality (2021)
  309. Quasi-Laplacian Centrality (2019)
  310. Quasi-stationarity Based Centrality (2010)
  311. QuickCent (2019)
  312. R0-Adjusted Centrality (2013)
  313. Radiality Centrality (1998)
  314. Random Eccentricity (2010)
  315. Random Walk Centrality (2004)
  316. Random Walk Decay Centrality (2019)
  317. Random-Walk Betweenness Centrality (2006)
  318. Random-Walk Closeness Centrality (2004)
  319. Range-limited Centrality (2012)
  320. Rank Centrality (2017)
  321. Ranking-Betweenness Centrality (2014)
  322. RDSH - Relative Degree Structural Hole Centrality (2019)
  323. Re-defined Entropy Centrality (2017)
  324. Refined Patent Degree (2019)
  325. Relative Edge Betweenness Centrality (2016)
  326. Relevance-embedding Centrality (2020)
  327. Residual Closeness Centrality (2006)
  328. Residue Centrality (2006)
  329. Resilience Centrality (2020)
  330. RFDC - Random Forest based Degree Centrality (2019)
  331. RTDC - Random Tree based Degree Centrality (2019)
  332. Rumor Centrality (2010)
  333. SALSA (2002)
  334. SCBC - Soft Cross Betweenness Centrality (2019)
  335. SCC - Shortest Cycle Closeness Centrality (2018)
  336. SDC - Star Degree Centrality (2019)
  337. SDP - Structurally Dominant Proteins (2014)
  338. Second Order Centrality (2011)
  339. Seeley Index (1949)
  340. Semi Local Centrality (2012)
  341. Shell Modulus Centrality (2017)
  342. Signless-laplacian Eigenvector Centrality (2021)
  343. Sociability Centrality (2016)
  344. SoECC - Sum of Edge Clustering Coefficient (2011)
  345. SoReC - Social-Relation based Centrality (2019)
  346. Spatial Strength Centrality (2020)
  347. Spike-based Centrality (2020)
  348. Split-and-Transfer Flow Based Entropic Centrality (2019)
  349. SPM - Shannon-Parry Measure (2014)
  350. Spreading Influence Related Centrality (2019)
  351. SRIC - Short-Range Interaction Centrality (2016)
  352. SSC - Source/Sink Centrality (2020)
  353. Status Measure (2004)
  354. STC - Spanning Tree Centrality (2015)
  355. Straightness Centrality (2006)
  356. Strength (Weighted vertex degree) (2004)
  357. Stress Centrality (1953)
  358. Structural Hole Centrality (2020)
  359. Subgraph Centrality (2005)
  360. Super Mediator (2016)
  361. SVT - Singular Vector of Tensor Centrality (2018)
  362. Targeted Betweenness Centrality (2021)
  363. TBRW - Topologically Biased Random Walks Centrality (2019)
  364. TCC - Targetoriented latent link Criticalness Centrality (?)
  365. TDC - Temporal Dynamic-Sensitive Centrality (2017)
  366. TE - Total Effect (2020)
  367. Tempo Centrality (2017)
  368. Temporal Katz Centrality (2018)
  369. TEO (2018)
  370. TLC - Traffic Load Centrality (2016)
  371. TMID - Trust-based Most Influential Node Discovery (2019)
  372. Topological Coefficient (2005)
  373. Topologically Biased Multiplex PageRank (2018)
  374. TPC - Tunable Path Centrality (2014)
  375. Tr-centrality (2020)
  376. Transmission Centrality (2018)
  377. Trip Centrality (2019)
  378. Truncated Alpha Current-Flow Betweenness Centrality (2013)
  379. Trust Transitivity (2011)
  380. Tukey Depth Centrality (2021)
  381. TwitterRank (2010)
  382. Two-Layers PageRank (2016)
  383. UC - United Complex Centrality (2017)
  384. UC-P - United Complex Centrality with Parameter Alpha (2017)
  385. Versatility Centrality (2015)
  386. Vibrational Centrality (2010)
  387. ViralRank (2018)
  388. VoteRank (2016)
  389. w-Lobby Index (2011)
  390. Walk-betweenness (2021)
  391. WDC - Weighted Degree Centrality (2014)
  392. Weight Neighborhood Centrality (2017)
  393. Weighted Community Betweenness Centrality (2018)
  394. Weighted H-index Centrality (2019)
  395. Weighted LeaderRank (2014)
  396. Wiener Index (?)
  397. WSL-EC - Weighted Sum of Loads Eigenvector Centrality (2016)
  398. WVoteRank (2019)
  399. X-degree Centrality (2021)
  400. X-nonbacktracking Centrality (2021)
  401. α-Nonbacktracking Centrality (2019)
  402. Θ-Kirchhoff Edge Centrality (2017)
  403. ρ-Geodesic Betweenness Centrality (2017)